Smart meters and wireless health issues:
Overview Independent research clearly shows there are potentially serious negative health effects from electromagnetic or wireless radiation – and at a much lower intensity than what a smart meter radiates. So Wi-Fi, Wireless Internet Routers, DECT (wireless home phones), Smart Devices (Tablet and Phones) are included. Despite assurances from most governments and power companies, there are now thousands of published scientific studies which indicate that the proliferation of smart grid radiation could potentially be catastrophic for all organic life. Pressured by a mounting of scientific evidence, finally in 2011 the World Health Organization classified this type of radiation as a Class 2B possible carcinogen.
With respect to symptomatic results with smart meters to date, thousands have already reported serious health problems since the installation of smart meters in their homes, apartments or places of business.
We worked with an independent environmental consultant who tested a room of smart meters in Vancouver, British Columbia. The result was a radiation level 198 times higher* than threshold for “extreme concern” set by the international Building Biology guidelines. As in our measurements, radiation has been confirmed and measured time and again as pulsing every several seconds, again blatantly contrary to statements made by governments and utilities.
*smart meters tested at 198,000 microwatts/m2, at a distance ranging from 2 to 6 feet. The Building Biology guidelines list 1,000 microwatts/m2 as the threshold for “extreme concern”. See our list of some key published research, summarizing hundreds of peer-reviewed published papers, on the right.Medical Statements:
The Scientists
World Health Organization
Dr. Mercola Interviews Vicki Warren
Dr. David Carpenter
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Santa Cruz Health Department
Austrian Medical Association Objects to Smart Meter Rollout
Academy of Environmental Medicine 2nd statement
Partial Scientific Study Database:
Genotoxcity – Studies Linking Exposure to RF Emissions and Effects on DNA:
Other smart meter complaints, in addition to health: and
The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) Smart Meter Report:
The Bioinitiative Report
Public Health Implications of Wireless Technology
Shortcut to Science
EMF and RF World Concerns Summary
Porto Alegre Resolution
International Association of Firefighters Moratorium
LA County Resolutions
Radiation Research Trust Eileen O’Connor Report on Base Stations
European Parliament EMF Resolution
Prof. Martin Blank Cell towers in schools
Planning Issues: Cell-Phone Towers and Communities: The Struggle for Local Control
Cindy Sage Editorial: Noxious neighbors – churches
For more extensive information on cell towers see: Angela Flynn’s Cell Tower Report
A Cell Tower Lament for the Earth
Searchable map of cellphone towers across (USA) –
Property devaluation by cell towers
This section will be updated soon… please check back as we add data, and be sure to browse our Global Directory (upper right of this site) – there are hundreds of websites all with outstanding information. For now here are several raw research links and videos. - Thank you.
Additional Studies:International Studies
Attention Deficit Disorder
Brain Cancers, Acoustic Neuromas
Breast cancer
Cell death
Depressive mood disturbances, lethargy, appetite disturbances
DNA damage
Immune disfunction, chronic allergic responses and inflammatory responses
Impaired Fertility
Mechanisms contributing to the above effects have been established in science, including the following:
Neurological and behavioural effects
Pre-natal damage, miscarriages, birth defects
Thyroid and hormone disruption
Cell mast/ tower studies
Dr George Carlo
Dr Andrew Goldsworthy
Barrie Trower
USA Secret Intelligence Document
Dr Carl Blackman
Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld
More key documents
Local exposure of the rat cortex to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields increases local cerebral blood flow along with temperature.
Few studies have shown that local exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF) induces intensity-dependent physiological changes, especially in the brain. The aim of the present study was to detect reproducible responses to local RF exposure in the parietal cortex of anesthetized rats and to determine their dependence on RF intensity.
Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic field on growth and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells, Electromagn Biol Med.
Eggs of Fasciola hepatica were exposed for 10 days to extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELFMF) at the frequency of 50 Hz and density of 2 mT (rms). The results show an accelerated hatching of F. hepatica eggs in relation to control (non-exposed) group.
Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Decreased Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium Levels in Costa of Rat.
Electromagnetic field (EMF) can affect cells due to biochemical change followed by a change in level of ions trafficking through membrane. We aimed to investigate possible changes in some elements in costa of rats exposed to long-term extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF). Rats were exposed to 100 and 500 μT ELF-MF, which are the safety standards of public and occupational exposure for 2 h/day during 10 months.
Sleep after mobile phone exposure in subjects with mobile phone-related symptoms.
Several studies show increases in activity for certain frequency bands (10-14 Hz) and visually scored parameters during sleep after exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. A shortened REM latency has also been reported.
Scientists Urge Halt of Wireless Rollout and Call for New Safety Standards: Warning Issued on Risks to Children and Pregnant Women
Clinical & Hygienic Aspects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields.
The early research was taken very seriously in the US and in Russia. And then it was put in a room and the door was closed during the Cold War years. This entire area was considered a threat to national security, with shades of mind control lurking in some circles, including the microwaving of the US embassy in Moscow. There were several commissions set up to investigate, including The Tri-Service Commission with reps from the Us Air Force, Army & Navy. We see the reverberations still today.
Brief synopsis of the dangers of emf’s and mobile phone masts and how they can affect our health
Currently The National Radiation Protection Board (NRPB) produce guidelines (set in 1993) which provide us with supposedly safe levels of radiation – levels, however, which are considerably higher than other countries where research into this subject has led to a number of scientists and scientific bodies significantly reducing their exposure levels. The magnitude of the gulf in thinking between the NRPB and other scientific bodies/governments is alarming. It is difficult to imagine how the NRPB can continue to maintain that an investigative exposure level of 10000W/cm2 (100W/m2) is safe when in 1995 the New Zealand Environment Court (as the Planning Tribunal) in the case of MacIntyre vs. BellSouth set a level of 2W/cm2 as a precautionary approach – a level 5000 times less than that set by the NRPB!
RadarPeople first became exposed to the radiofrequency radiation that radar equipment emits in the 20th century. Radar was primarily used by the military at first, but in peace-time, radar emissions have been mainly from airports and seaports, with some Ministry of Defence establishments adding to local environmental exposure.
Radar emissions travel some considerable distance in order to communicate with their intended recipients (aeroplanes, ships, control towers, etc). The power is high at transmission to carry such distances, and in fact only fall to levels of 1 V/m at the following distances (all approximate, and assuming free-space radiation):
1.0 kW DME on aircraft and at airfields 210 m
25 kW marine radars (both fixed and ship-borne) 850 m
100 MW ship harbour radars 55 km
1 GW air traffic control and weather radars 170 km
10 GW some military radars 550 km Read more
Early Research
Experts Comment on Smart Meter Health Effects:“The notion that non-ionizing radiation is harmless – the assumption of innocence – is no longer tenable. Research findings suggest that radiofrequency exposures are potentially carcinogenic and have other health effects. Therefore, prudent avoidance of unneeded exposures is recommended as a precautionary measure.” John R. Goldsmith, M.D., M.P.H., TV Broadcast Towers and Cancer: The End of Innocence for Radiofrequency Exposures, American Journal of Industrial Medicine 32:689-692 (1997)
“…we are creating a potential time bomb. If smart meters are placed on every home, they will contribute significantly to our exposure and this is both unwise and unsafe” Havas report on smart meters for California Council on Science and Technology, January 17, 2011
“… no positive assertion of safety can be made … currently, the data made available by the utilities that are installing smart meters is non-existent, piecemeal and without sufficient basis to verify.” Sage report on radio-frequency (RF) exposures from smart meters, February, 2011
“… All transmitters inside your home or office will communicate with a Smart Meter attached to the outside of each building. That meter, in turn, will transmit at an even higher frequency to a central hub installed in local neighborhoods. In what are called “mesh networks,” signals can also be bounced from house-meter to house-meter before reaching the final hub. So exposures will not just be from your own meter, but accumulating from possibly 100-to-500 of your neighbors’ as well… That’s a hefty barrage of radiation.” – from “The Problems With Smart Grids” by B. Blake Levitt and Chellis Glendinning, Mar 18 2011
“…..When the chart is corrected to reflect the same units of measurement, it appears that smart meters are at least 100x more powerful than cell phones, which are increasingly being linked with brain tumors.” Dan Hirsch, UC Santa Cruz Nuclear Policy expert, 21 Apr 2011
“It’s one thing to be on a cell phone for one hour per day, but if you are exposed to smart meter or a cell tower, you are exposed 24/7 so the effect is cumulative.” Henry Lai, PhD, Professor, Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Dept. of Bioengineering, University of Washington (Seattle)
“We have evidence…that exposure to radiofrequency radiation…increases the risk of cancer, increases damage to the nervous system, causes electrosensitivity, has adverse reproductive effects and a variety of other effects on different organ systems. There is no justification for the statement that Smart Meters have no adverse health effects. ……An informed person should demand that they be allowed to keep their analog meter” Dr. David Carpenter, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician who headed up the New York State Dept. of Public Health for 18 years before becoming Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany, where he currently directs the Institute for Health and the Environment…/public-health-physician-warns-of-smart.html
“The duration of the radiation seems to be more important than its strength, with the effects being cumulative as more and more cells are damaged. …….Diem et al. (2005) also found that the effect on DNA damage was still greater if the microwaves were pulsed or modulated to carry information (modulation involves sudden stops and starts of the signal, which are even more damaging). Smart meters, which operate 24/7 and radiate modulated microwaves intermittently, can therefore be expected to be particularly harmful to DNA.” Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, Lecturer in Biology (retired), Imperial College London “How Smart Meters May Cause Autism And Cancer”, July 2011
“Who can support that the constitution, any constitution of any country should allow installations to take place (as the one with Smart Meters) against the rights for health of the citizens”. Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens, Faculty of Biology, Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics, Electromagnetic Biology Laboratory
“Cells in the body react to EMF’s as potentially harmful, just like any other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure; and produces a biochemical stress response. …. The science is very strong and we should sit up and pay attention” Dr. Martin Blank, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, quoted in “Radiofrequency Radiation: The Invisible Hazards of “Smart” Meters “ by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri″
“It should be noted that we are not the only species at jeopardy, practically all animals and plants may be at stake……the inauguration of smart meters with grudging and involuntary exposure of millions to billions of human beings to pulsed microwave radiation should immediately be prohibited…” Olle Johansson, PhD., Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Sweden: “Open Letter on SmartMeters”
“The question for governmental agencies, especially those concerned with public health and safety, is that given the uncertainty, should we err on the side of safety and take the precautionary avoidance measures? Unknown does not mean safe. ….Governmental agencies for protecting public health and safety should be much more vigilant towards involuntary environmental exposures because governmental agencies are the only defense against such involuntary exposure. Given the uncertainty of the SmartMeter safety, one rational first step of public policy could be to require household consent before installation of SmartMeters. Finally, because of the nature of universal exposure, many susceptible and vulnerable populations including pregnant women and young children are unknowingly exposed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Usually, the threshold of harmful level is much lower for susceptible populations.” Dr. De-Kun Li, Research Scientist, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, Oakland California; Lecturer, Stanford University, Department of Health Research and Policy. HYPERLINK,5,1298
Additional resourcesGreat weekly updates on this site:
Rosemary Found to Offer Best Protection against Radiation Poisoning
Overview Independent research clearly shows there are potentially serious negative health effects from electromagnetic or wireless radiation – and at a much lower intensity than what a smart meter radiates. So Wi-Fi, Wireless Internet Routers, DECT (wireless home phones), Smart Devices (Tablet and Phones) are included. Despite assurances from most governments and power companies, there are now thousands of published scientific studies which indicate that the proliferation of smart grid radiation could potentially be catastrophic for all organic life. Pressured by a mounting of scientific evidence, finally in 2011 the World Health Organization classified this type of radiation as a Class 2B possible carcinogen.
With respect to symptomatic results with smart meters to date, thousands have already reported serious health problems since the installation of smart meters in their homes, apartments or places of business.
We worked with an independent environmental consultant who tested a room of smart meters in Vancouver, British Columbia. The result was a radiation level 198 times higher* than threshold for “extreme concern” set by the international Building Biology guidelines. As in our measurements, radiation has been confirmed and measured time and again as pulsing every several seconds, again blatantly contrary to statements made by governments and utilities.
*smart meters tested at 198,000 microwatts/m2, at a distance ranging from 2 to 6 feet. The Building Biology guidelines list 1,000 microwatts/m2 as the threshold for “extreme concern”. See our list of some key published research, summarizing hundreds of peer-reviewed published papers, on the right.Medical Statements:
The Scientists
World Health Organization
Dr. Mercola Interviews Vicki Warren
Dr. David Carpenter
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Santa Cruz Health Department
Austrian Medical Association Objects to Smart Meter Rollout
Academy of Environmental Medicine 2nd statement
Partial Scientific Study Database:
- Blackman C. Cell phone radiation: Evidence from ELF and RF studies supporting more inclusive risk identification and assessment.Pathophysiology. 2009 Aug;16(2-3):205-16. [Abstract]
- Hallberg Ö, Johansson O. Long-term sickness and mobile phone use. J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med. 2004;23:11-12.
- Johansson O. Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-art of a functional impairment. Electromag Biol Med. 25: 245-258, 2006. [Abstract]
- Khurana VG, Hardell L, et al. Epidemiological evidence for a health risk from mobile phone base stations. Int J Occup Health. 2010, July-Sept. 16(3):263-7. [Abstract]
- Santini R. [Cellular telephones and their relay stations: a health risk? (article in French)] Presse Med 1999; 28: 1884-1886. [Abstract]
- Santini R, Seigne M, et al. [Danger of cellular telephones and their relay stations (article in French)]. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2000; 48: 525-528. [Abstract]
- Santini R, Santini P, et al. [Investigation on the health of people living near mobile telephone relay stations: I/Incidence according to distance and sex (article in French)]. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2002; 50: 369-373. [Abstract]
- Balcer-Kubiczek EK,Harrison GH. Evidence for microwave carcinogenesis in vitro. Carcinogenesis, 6;859, 1985. [Abstract]
- Hardell L, Mild K H, et al. Ionizing radiation, cellular telephones and the risk for brain tumours. Eur J Cancer Prev 2001; 10: 523-529. [Abstract]
- Hardell L, Hallquist A, et al. Cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for brain tumours. Eur J Cancer Prev 2002; 11: 377-386. [Abstract]
- Hardell L, Mild KH, Carlberg M. Case-control study on the use of cellular and cordless phones and the risk for malignant brain tumours. Int J Radiat Biol 2002; 78: 931-936. [Abstract]
- Hardell L, Carlberg M, et al. Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: Increased risk associated with use > 10 years. Occup Environ Med. 2007 September; 64(9):626-632.
- Hardell L, Nasman A, et al. Case-control study on radiology work, medical x-ray investigations, and use of cellular telephones as risk factors for brain tumors. MedGenMed 2000 May 4;2(2):E2. [Abstract]
- Interphone Study Group. Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case control study. Int J Epidemiol, 2010 June;39(3):695-8.
- Lönn S, Ahlbom A, et al. Mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma. Epidemiology 15: 653-659, 2004. [Abstract]
Genotoxcity – Studies Linking Exposure to RF Emissions and Effects on DNA:
- Aitken RJ, Bennetts LE, et al. Impact of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation on DNA integrity in the male germline. Inter J Androl 28:171-179, 2005. [Abstract]
- Balode, Z. Assessment of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation by the micronucleus test in bovine peripheral erythrocytes. Sci Total Environ180(1):81-85, 1996. [Abstract]
- Belyaev IYa, Alipov YD, et al. Resonance effect of microwaves on the genome conformational state of E. coli cells. Z Naturforsch [C] 47(7-8):621-827, 1992. [Abstract]
- Belyaev IY, Shcheglov VS, et al. Resonance effect of millimeter waves in the power range from 10(-19) to 3 x 10(-3) W/cm2 on Escherichia coli cells at different concentrations. Bioelectromagnetics 17(4):312-321, 1996. [Abstract]
- Belyaev IY, Hillert L, et al. 915 MHz microwaves and 50 Hz magnetic field affect chromatin conformation and 53BP1 foci in human lymphocytes from hypersensitive and healthy persons. Bioelectromagnetics.26(3):173-184, 2005. [Abstract]
- Belyaev IY, Koch CB, et al. Exposure of rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression but not double stranded DNA breaks or effects on chromatin conformation.Bioelectromagnetics. 27:295-306, 2006. [Abstract]
- Busljeta I, Trosic I, Milkovic-Kraus S. Erythropoietic changes in rats after 2.45 GJz nonthermal irradiation. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 207(6):549-554, 2004. [Abstract]
- d’Ambrosio G, Massa R, et al. Cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes following GMSK phase modulated microwave exposure.Bioelectromagnetics 23:7-13, 2002. [Abstract]
- Diem E, Schwarz C, et al. Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro. Mutat Res. 583:178-183, 2005. [Abstract]
- Ferreira AR, Knakievicz T, et al. Ultra high frequencyelectromagnetic field irradiation during pregnancy leads to an increase in erythrocytes micronuclei incidence in rat offspring. Life Sci. 80:43-50, 2006. [Abstract]
- Fucic A, Garaj-Vrhovac V, et al. X-rays, microwaves and vinyl chloride monomer: their clastogenic and aneugenic activity, using the micronucleus assay on human lymphocytes. Mutat Res 282(4):265-271, 1992. [Abstract]
- Gadhia PK, Shah T, et al. A Preliminary Study to Assess Possible Chromosomal Damage Among Users of Digital Mobile Phones.Electromag Biol Med 22:149-159, 2003. [Abstract]
- Gandhi GA. Genetic damage in mobile phone users: some preliminary findings. Ind J Hum Genet 11(2): 99-104, 2005. [Abstract]
- Gandhi G, Singh P. Cytogenetic damage in mobile phone users: preliminary data. Int J Hum Genet 5(4):259-265, 2005.
- Garaj-Vrhovac V, Fucic A, Horvat D. The correlation between the frequency of micronuclei and specific chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation in vitro. Mutat Res281(3):181-186, 1992. [Abstract]
- Garaj-Vrhovac V, Horvat D, Koren Z. The effect of microwave radiation on the cell genome. Mutat Res 243(2):87-93, 1990. [Abstract]
- Garaj-Vrhovac V, Horvat D, Koren Z. The relationship between colony-forming ability, chromosome aberrations and incidence of micronuclei in V79 Chinese hamster cells exposed to microwave radiation. Mutat Res263(3):143-149, 1991. [Abstract]
- Garaj-Vrhovac V. Micronucleus assay and lymphocyte mitotic activity in risk assessment of occupational exposure to microwave radiation.Chemosphere 39(13):2301-2312, 1999. [Abstract]
- Garaj-Vrhovac V, Horvat D, Koren Z. The effect of microwave radiation on the cell genome. Mutat Res 243(2):87-93, 1990. [Abstract]
- Haider T, Knasmueller S, et al. Clastogenic effects of radiofrequency radiations on chromosomes of Tradescantia. Mutat Res 324(1-2):65-68, 1994. [Abstract]
- Lai H, Singh NP. Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 16(3):207-210, 1995. [Abstract]
- Lai H, Singh NP. Single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. Int J Radiat Biol 69(4):513-521, 1996. [Abstract]
- Lai, H, Singh NP. Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells. Bioelectromagnetics 18(6):446-454, 1997a. [Abstract]
- Lai H, Singh NP. Interaction of microwaves and a temporally incoherent magnetic field on single and double DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells.Electromag Biol Med 24:23-29, 2005. [Abstract]
- Lai H, Carino MA, Singh NP. Naltrexone blocks RFR-induced DNA double strand breaks in rat brain cells. Wireless Networks 3:471-476, 1997. [Abstract]
- Lixia S, Yao K, et al. Effects of 1.8GHz radiofrequency field on DNA damage and expression of heat shock protein 70 in human lens epithelial cells. Mutat Res. 602:135-42, 2006. [Abstract]
- Markova E, Hillert L, et al. Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect 53BP1 and gamma-H2AX Foci in Human Lymphocytes fromHypersensitive and Healthy Persons. Environ Health Perspect.113(9):1172-1177, 2005.
- Mashevich M, Folkman D, et al. Exposure of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to electromagnetic fields associated with cellular phones leads to chromosomal instability. Bioelectromagnetics 24:82-90, 2003. [Abstract]
- Narasimhan V, Huh WK. Altered restriction patterns of microwave irradiated lambdaphage DNA. Biochem Int 25(2):363-370, 1991. [Abstract]
- Nikolova T, Czyz J, et al. Electromagnetic fields affect transcript levels of apoptosis-related genes in embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells. ASEB J. 19(12):1686-1688, 2005.
- Ono T, Saito Y, et al. Absence of mutagenic effects of 2.45 GHz radiofrequency exposure in spleen, liver, brain, and testis of lacZ-transgenic mouse exposed in utero. Tohoku J Exp Med. 202(2):93-103, 2004.
- Paulraj R, Behari J. Single strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells exposed to microwave radiation. Mutat Res. 596:76-80, 2006. [Abstract]
- Pacini S, Ruggiero M, et al. Exposure to global system for mobile communication (GSM) cellular phone radiofrequency alters gene expression, proliferation, and morphology of human skin fibroblasts.Oncol Res 2002;13: 19-24. [Abstract]
- Sarimov R, Malmgren LOG, et al. Nonthermal GSM microwaves affect chromatin conformation in human lymphocytes similar to heat shock.IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 32:1600-1608, 2004. [Abstract]
- Sarkar S, Ali S, Behari J. Effect of low power microwave on the mouse genome: a direct DNA analysis. Mutat Res 320(1-2):141-147, 1994. [Abstract]
- Semin IuA, Shvartsburg LK, Dubovik BV. [Changes in the secondary structure of DNA under the influence of external low-intensity electromagnetic field (article in Russian)] Radiats Biol Radioecol35(1):36-41, 1995. [Abstract]
- Sykes PJ, McCallum BD, et al. Effect of Exposure to 900 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation on Intrachromosomal Recombination in pKZ1 Mice. Radiat Res 156(5):495-502, 2001. [Abstract]
- Sun LX, Yao K, He JL, Lu DQ, Wang KJ, Li HW. [Effect of acute exposure to microwave from mobile phone on DNA damage and repair of cultured human lens epithelial cells in vitro.] Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. 24(8):465-467, 2006. [Abstract]
- Tice RR, Hook GG, et al. Genotoxicity of radiofrequency signals. I. Investigation of DNA damage and micronuclei induction in cultured human blood cells. Bioelectromagnetics 23:113-126, 2002. [Abstract]
- Trosic I. Multinucleated giant cell appearance after whole body microwave irradiation of rats. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 204(2-3):133-138, 2001. [Abstract]
- Trosic I, Busljeta I, et al. Micronucleus induction after whole-body microwave irradiation of rats. Mutat Res 521(1-2):73-79, 2002. [Abstract]
- Trosic I, Busljeta I, Modlic B. Investigation of the genotoxic effect of microwave irradiation in rat bone marrow cells: in vivo exposure.Mutagenesis. 19(5):361-364, 2004.
- Trosic I, Busljeta I. Erythropoietic dynamic equilibrium in rats maintained after microwave irradiation. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 57(3):247-251, 2006. [Abstract]
- Zhang DY, Xu ZP, Chiang H, Lu DQ, Zeng QL. [Effects of GSM 1800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on DNA damage in Chinese hamster lung cells.] Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 40(3):149-152, 2006. [Abstract]
- Zhang MB, He JL, et al. Study of low-intensity 2450-MHz microwave exposure enhancing the genotoxic effects of mitomycin C using micronucleus test and comet assay in vitro. Biomed Environ Sci15(4):283-290, 2002. [Abstract]
- Zotti-Martelli L, Peccatori M, et al. Induction of micronuclei in humanlymphocytes exposed in vitro to microwave radiation. Mutat Res 472(1-2):51-58, 2000. [Abstract]
- Zotti-Martelli L, Peccatori M, et al. Individual responsiveness to induction of micronuclei in human lymphocytes after exposure in vitro to 1800-MHz microwave radiation. Mutat Res. 582(1-2):42-52, 2005. [Abstract]
- Blank M. Goodman R. Electromagnetic Fields Stress Living Cells.Pathophysiology. 2009 Aug;16(2-3):71-8. [Abstract]
- Daniells C, Duce I, et al. Transgenic nematodes as biomonitors of microwave-induced stress. Mutat Res 1998; 399: 55-64. [Abstract]
- Leszczynski D, Joenvaara S, et al. Non-thermal activation of the hsp27/ p38MAPK stress pathway by mobile phone radiation in human endothelial cells:Molecular mechanism for cancer-and blood-brain barrier-related effects.
Differentiation 70: 120-129, 2002. [Abstract] - Shallom JM, DiCarlo AL, et al. Microwave exposure induces hsp70 and confers protection against hypoxia in chick embryos. J Cell Biochem86:490-496, 2002. [Abstract]
- Havas M, Marrongelle J, et al.Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from 2.4 GHz cordless phone affects autonomic nervous system. Eur. J. Oncol. Library Vol. 5, 2010.
- Volkow ND, Tomasi D, et al. Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism. JAMA. 2011;305(8):808-813. [Abstract]
- Leszczynski D, Joenvaara S, et al. Non-thermal activation of the hsp27/p38MAPK stress pathway by mobile phone radiation in human endothelial cells: Molecular mechanism for cancer- and blood-brain barrier-related effects. Differentiation 2002; 70: 120-129. [Abstract]
- Salford LG, Brun A, et al. Permeability of the bloodbrain barrier induced by 915 MHz electromagnetic radiation, continuous wave and modulated at 8, 16, 50, and 200 Hz. Microsc Res Tech 1994; 27: 535-542. [Abstract]
- Salford LG, Brun AE, et al. Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 June; 111(7): 881–883.
- Electrical Hypersensitivity – Human Studies in the UK. Conference Presentation WHO International Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity, October 25-26, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Gangi S, Johansson O. A theoretical model based upon mast cells and histamine to explain the recently proclaimed sensitivity to electric and/or magnetic fields in humans. Med Hypotheses 2000; 54: 663-671. [Abstract]
- Johansson O. “Electrohypersensitivity: Observations in the human skin of a physical impairment,” Symposium on “Electrical Sensitivity in Human Beings”. Royal Society of Medicine, London, U.K., September 11, 2004. [Extended abstract]
- Kimata H. Enhancement of allergic skin wheal responses by microwave radiation from mobile phones in patients with atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2002; 129: 348-350. [Abstract]
Other smart meter complaints, in addition to health: and
The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) Smart Meter Report:
The Bioinitiative Report
Public Health Implications of Wireless Technology
Shortcut to Science
EMF and RF World Concerns Summary
Porto Alegre Resolution
International Association of Firefighters Moratorium
LA County Resolutions
Radiation Research Trust Eileen O’Connor Report on Base Stations
European Parliament EMF Resolution
Prof. Martin Blank Cell towers in schools
Planning Issues: Cell-Phone Towers and Communities: The Struggle for Local Control
Cindy Sage Editorial: Noxious neighbors – churches
For more extensive information on cell towers see: Angela Flynn’s Cell Tower Report
A Cell Tower Lament for the Earth
Searchable map of cellphone towers across (USA) –
Property devaluation by cell towers
This section will be updated soon… please check back as we add data, and be sure to browse our Global Directory (upper right of this site) – there are hundreds of websites all with outstanding information. For now here are several raw research links and videos. - Thank you.
Additional Studies:International Studies
- Greek Study Shows Regions of the Brain Related to Learning, Memory, Alzheimer’s Impacted by EMF
- Presentation of Prof. Dominique Belpomme at 8th National Congress on Electrosmog, Berne, 2011
Attention Deficit Disorder
Brain Cancers, Acoustic Neuromas
- Biggest ever mobile phone brain tumour study prompts alarm over dangers to children
Brain Tumor Pandemic—DNA Impacts from Mobile Phones Implicated in New Analysis
Brain tumors and salivary gland cancers among cellular telephone users. - Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000–2003
- Cell Phones and Risk of brain and acoustic nerve tumours: the French INTERPHONE case-control study
- Cellular and Cordless Telephone Use and the Association with Brain Tumors in Different Age Groups
- Cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for brain tumours
- Cellular phone use and brain tumor: a meta-analysis.
- Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors—A Nationwide Case-Control Study
- Cellular telephone use and risk of acoustic neuroma.
- Cellular-Telephone Use and Brain Tumors
- Case-control study on the use of cellular and cordless phones and the risk for malignant brain tumours.
- Cellular Telephone Use and Cancer Risk: Update of a Nationwide Danish Cohort
- Cellular Telephones and Cancer—a Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark
- Cellular telephones and risk for brain tumors: a population-based, incident case-control study.
- Childhood brain tumour risk and its association with wireless phones: a commentary.
- Mobile phones cause brain tumours – more evidence
- Wireless Phones and Brain Cancer- ISIS Report 22/06/11
- Epidemiological evidence for an association between use of wireless phones and tumor diseases
- Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumours.
- Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: increased risk associated with use for ≥10 years
- Environmental risk factors for sporadic acoustic neuroma (Interphone Study Group, Germany).
- Mobile phone use and risk of glioma in 5 North European countries.
- Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries
- Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003.
- Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries.
- Mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma.
- Mobile phone use, exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic field, and brain tumour: a case-control study
- Meningioma and mobile phone use—a collaborative case-control study in five North European countries
- Use of mobile phones in Norway and risk of intracranial tumours
- Mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan
- Meta-analysis of mobile phone use and intracranial tumors.
- Mobile phone use and risk of glioma in adults: case-control study.
- Long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk.
- Handheld Cellular Telephone Use and Risk of Brain Cancer
- Use of cellular telephones and the risk for brain tumours: A case-control study.
- Trends in incidence of brain and central nervous system tumors in Norway, 1970-1999.
Breast cancer
- Ecolog Report – Mobile Telecommunications and Health
- The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer
- Acute childhood leukemias and exposure to magnetic fields generated by high voltage overhead power lines – a risk factor in Iran.
- Cancer morbidity in subjects occupationally exposed to high frequency (radiofrequency and microwave) electromagnetic radiation.
- Ecolog Report – Mobile Telecommunications and Health
- The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer
- 900 MHz (GSM) exposure from base stations (residential proximity) and correlation with cancer
- The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields
- Living near overhead high voltage transmission power lines as a risk factor for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a case-control study.
- Long-term (up to 20years) effects of 50-Hz magnetic field exposure on blood chemistry parameters in healthy men
- Childhood Leukaemia
- EMFs and childhood leukaemia
- Leukaemia risk and ultrasound
- Increased mortality in amateur radio operators due to lymphatic and hematopoietic malignancies
- Bortkiewicz et al, 2004 (Poland): Residents close to mobile phone masts reported more incidences of circulatory problems, sleep disturbances, irritability, depression, blurred vision and concentration difficulties the nearer they lived to the mast.
- Cardiac Effetcs Review
- Ecolog Report – Mobile Telecommunications and Health
Cell death
- Analyzing the health impacts of modern telecommunications microwaves
- Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna
- Cell death induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz mobile telephony radiation
Depressive mood disturbances, lethargy, appetite disturbances
- Mobile Telecommunications in Kempten West Blood levels alarmingly altered
- Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations
DNA damage
- Cell death induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz mobile telephony radiation
- Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation to its intensity or
distance from the antenna - Analyzing the health impacts of modern telecommunications microwaves
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: evidence for a novel neurological syndrome
- Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: Fact or fiction?
- Electrosensitivity: A Patient with Burn-like Skin Manifestations
Immune disfunction, chronic allergic responses and inflammatory responses
- Confirmation studies of Soviet research on immunological effects of microwaves: Russian immunology results.
- Autoimmune Process after Long-Term Low-Level Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
Impaired Fertility
- Male infertility linked to cell phone emf exposure
- Wi-Fi radiation may affect male fertility
- Pathophysiology of cell phone radiation: oxidative stress and carcinogenesis with focus on male reproductive system.
- Preliminary study on the induction of sperm head abnormalities in mice, Mus musculus, exposed to radiofrequency radiations from global system for mobile communication base stations.
- Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) from cellular phones on human ejaculated semen: an in vitro pilot study.
- In vitro effect of pulsed 900 MHz GSM radiation on mitochondrial membrane potential and motility of human spermatozoa.
- Is there a relationship between cell phone use and semen quality?
- Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study.
- Evaluation of the effect of using mobile phones on male fertility.
- Effects of exposure to a mobile phone on testicular function and structure in adult rabbit.
- Cancer morbidity in subjects occupationally exposed to high frequency (radiofrequency and microwave) electromagnetic radiation.
Mechanisms contributing to the above effects have been established in science, including the following:
- Breaches of the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins into the brain
- Reduction in melatonin, linked with sleep disturbance, depression and cancer, especially breast cancer
- Single and double-strand DNA breaks, linked with many illnesses including cancer
- Synthesis of stress proteins, associated with cancers and other illnesses
- Disruption of circadian rhythms
Neurological and behavioural effects
- Neurobehavioral effects among inhabitants around mobile phone base stations
- A Basic Summary of the Neurological Effects of Radiofrequency Sickness
- Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice
Pre-natal damage, miscarriages, birth defects
- Maternal occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and the risk of brain cancer in the offspring.
- Prenatal and postnatal exposure to cell phone use and behavioral problems in children.
- Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones.
- Effect of electromagnetic field emitted by cellular phones on fetal heart rate patterns
- Miscarriages among Female Physical Therapists Who Report Using Radio – and Microwave-frequency Electromagnetic Radiation
- Bone morphogenetic protein expression in newborn rat kidneys after prenatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation
- Effects of prenatal exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on the dentate gyrus of rats: a stereological and histopathological study.
- Uteroplacental circulatory disturbance mediated by prostaglandin F2α in rats exposed to microwaves
- Nonthermal effects of mobile-phone frequency microwaves on uteroplacental functions in pregnant rats
Thyroid and hormone disruption
- Evaluation of rat thyroid gland morphophysiological status after three months exposure to 50 Hz electromagnetic field
*Pulse modulated 900 MHz radiation induces hypothyroidism and apoptosis in thyroid cells: A light, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical study
Cell mast/ tower studies
- Who-emf_database_2006.pdf
- Influence_of_being_physically_near_to_a_cell_phone_transmission_masts.pdf
- Barrie_Trower_declaration.pdf
- Increased_incidence_cancer_near_israeli_cellmast.pdf
- Bamberg_appeal_signed_by_doctors_in_germany.pdf
- Hallberg_2002_-_estonia-melanoma_incidence_and_frequency_modulatio.pdf
- Blake_Levit-henry_lai.pdf
- Specific_symptoms__radiation_from_mobile_basis_stations_german_study.pdf
- Netherlands__-_effects_of_of_global_commun_system_radio-frequency_field.pdf
- Microwave_syndrome-_a_preliminary_study_in_spain.pdf
- Mobile_phone_base_stationseffects_on_wellbeing__health.pdf
- Neurobehavioral_effects_among_inhabitants_around__base_stations.pdf
- Brazil_new_study_direct_link_to_4924_cancer_deaths.pdf
- Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological Effects of Dirty Electricity with Emphasis on Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis
- Analysis of Health and Environmental Effects of Proposed San Francisco Earthlink Wi-Fi Network
- wi-fi in libraries
- wi-fi in schools
- High Electricity Bills and Cell Phone Antennas
Dr George Carlo
Dr Andrew Goldsworthy
- Electromagnetically-induced cell leakage may cause autism
- On the dangers of wi-fi
- Andrew Goldsworthy witness statement
- Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays
- Wake-up call
Barrie Trower
- Declaration of Barrie Trower-United States District Court ,District of Oregon ,Portland Division
- Barry Trower address to welsh assembly
- Letter by Barrie Trower on modulations and pulsing
USA Secret Intelligence Document
Dr Carl Blackman
Dr. med. Gerd Oberfeld
More key documents
- Analyzing the health impacts of modern telecommunications microwaves
- Andrew Michrowski – electromagnetic fields
- Autism may be Linked to Electromagnetic Radiation Levels In Mother’s Bedroom During Pregnancy
- Bacterial response to the exposure of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields.
- BEES, BIRDS AND MANKIND – Destroying nature by “electrosmog”
Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna - Bioinititiative Summary
- Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation.
- Cell death induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz mobile telephony radiation
- Changes in honeybee behaviour and biology under the influence of cellphone radiations
- Effect of 900 MHz Radio Frequency Radiation on Beta Amyloid Protein, Protein Carbonyl, and Malondialdehyde in the Brain.
- Electromagnetic fields and public health – Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
- Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice
- Histological studies of the low frequency electromagnetic fields effect on liver, testes and kidney in Guinea Pig
- Increased occurrence of nuclear cataract in the calf after erection of a mobile phone base station
- Kinetic study on the effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field on catalase, cytochrome P450 and inducible nitric oxide synthase in human HaCaT and THP-1 cell lines.
- Long-term (up to 20years) effects of 50-Hz magnetic field exposure on blood chemistry parameters in healthy men.
- Mobile phone base stations—Effects on wellbeing and health
- Mobile phone health risks: The case for action to protect children
- Mobile telephony radiation effects on living organisms
- Mobile telephony radiation effects
- Netherlands – effects of global communication system radio-frequency fields on well-being and cognitive functions of human subjects
- Neurobehavioral effects among inhabitants around mobile phone base stations
- Oxidative stress and prevention of the adaptive response to chronic iron overload in the brain of young adult rats exposed to a 150 kilohertz electromagnetic field.
- Power-frequency magnetic fields and childhood brain tumors: a case-control study in Japan
- Prof. Dominique Belpomme – Electrosmog
- RNCNIRP Resolution 2011 – Electromagnetic fields from mobile phones: health effect on children and teenagers
- Scientific Panel on Electromagnetic Field Health Risks: Consensus Points, Recommendations, and Rationales
- Single-strand DNA breaks in human hair root cells exposed to mobile phone radiation.
- Stimulation and control of e. coli by using an extremely low frequency magnetic field
- Talking to your doctor – Symptoms, Biological Effects of EMR/EMF Exposure and Treatment
- The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer
- The influence of microwave radiation from cellular phone on fetal rat brain.
- The Microwave Syndrome: A preliminary Study in Spain
- The protective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on oxidative stress in rat liver exposed to the 900 MHz electromagnetic field.
- The Seletun Report
- Wi-Fi alters brain activity in young adults
- Yakymenko cancer – long-term exposure to microwave radiation provokes cancer growth: evidences from radars and mobile communication systems
- Effects of Wi-Fi signals on the p300 component of event-related potentials during an auditory hayling task
- Wi-Fi alters brain activity in young adults In vitro and in vivo genotoxicity of radiofrequency fields.
Local exposure of the rat cortex to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields increases local cerebral blood flow along with temperature.
Few studies have shown that local exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF) induces intensity-dependent physiological changes, especially in the brain. The aim of the present study was to detect reproducible responses to local RF exposure in the parietal cortex of anesthetized rats and to determine their dependence on RF intensity.
Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic field on growth and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells, Electromagn Biol Med.
Eggs of Fasciola hepatica were exposed for 10 days to extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELFMF) at the frequency of 50 Hz and density of 2 mT (rms). The results show an accelerated hatching of F. hepatica eggs in relation to control (non-exposed) group.
Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Decreased Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium Levels in Costa of Rat.
Electromagnetic field (EMF) can affect cells due to biochemical change followed by a change in level of ions trafficking through membrane. We aimed to investigate possible changes in some elements in costa of rats exposed to long-term extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF). Rats were exposed to 100 and 500 μT ELF-MF, which are the safety standards of public and occupational exposure for 2 h/day during 10 months.
Sleep after mobile phone exposure in subjects with mobile phone-related symptoms.
Several studies show increases in activity for certain frequency bands (10-14 Hz) and visually scored parameters during sleep after exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. A shortened REM latency has also been reported.
Scientists Urge Halt of Wireless Rollout and Call for New Safety Standards: Warning Issued on Risks to Children and Pregnant Women
Clinical & Hygienic Aspects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields.
The early research was taken very seriously in the US and in Russia. And then it was put in a room and the door was closed during the Cold War years. This entire area was considered a threat to national security, with shades of mind control lurking in some circles, including the microwaving of the US embassy in Moscow. There were several commissions set up to investigate, including The Tri-Service Commission with reps from the Us Air Force, Army & Navy. We see the reverberations still today.
Brief synopsis of the dangers of emf’s and mobile phone masts and how they can affect our health
Currently The National Radiation Protection Board (NRPB) produce guidelines (set in 1993) which provide us with supposedly safe levels of radiation – levels, however, which are considerably higher than other countries where research into this subject has led to a number of scientists and scientific bodies significantly reducing their exposure levels. The magnitude of the gulf in thinking between the NRPB and other scientific bodies/governments is alarming. It is difficult to imagine how the NRPB can continue to maintain that an investigative exposure level of 10000W/cm2 (100W/m2) is safe when in 1995 the New Zealand Environment Court (as the Planning Tribunal) in the case of MacIntyre vs. BellSouth set a level of 2W/cm2 as a precautionary approach – a level 5000 times less than that set by the NRPB!
RadarPeople first became exposed to the radiofrequency radiation that radar equipment emits in the 20th century. Radar was primarily used by the military at first, but in peace-time, radar emissions have been mainly from airports and seaports, with some Ministry of Defence establishments adding to local environmental exposure.
Radar emissions travel some considerable distance in order to communicate with their intended recipients (aeroplanes, ships, control towers, etc). The power is high at transmission to carry such distances, and in fact only fall to levels of 1 V/m at the following distances (all approximate, and assuming free-space radiation):
1.0 kW DME on aircraft and at airfields 210 m
25 kW marine radars (both fixed and ship-borne) 850 m
100 MW ship harbour radars 55 km
1 GW air traffic control and weather radars 170 km
10 GW some military radars 550 km Read more
Early Research
- Navy radiowave brief 1 .pdf
- This report concerns work that is part of a program of research on the effects of electromagnetic fields on living tissue conducted in collaboration with the Department of Anatomy, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Keep reading
Experts Comment on Smart Meter Health Effects:“The notion that non-ionizing radiation is harmless – the assumption of innocence – is no longer tenable. Research findings suggest that radiofrequency exposures are potentially carcinogenic and have other health effects. Therefore, prudent avoidance of unneeded exposures is recommended as a precautionary measure.” John R. Goldsmith, M.D., M.P.H., TV Broadcast Towers and Cancer: The End of Innocence for Radiofrequency Exposures, American Journal of Industrial Medicine 32:689-692 (1997)
“…we are creating a potential time bomb. If smart meters are placed on every home, they will contribute significantly to our exposure and this is both unwise and unsafe” Havas report on smart meters for California Council on Science and Technology, January 17, 2011
“… no positive assertion of safety can be made … currently, the data made available by the utilities that are installing smart meters is non-existent, piecemeal and without sufficient basis to verify.” Sage report on radio-frequency (RF) exposures from smart meters, February, 2011
“… All transmitters inside your home or office will communicate with a Smart Meter attached to the outside of each building. That meter, in turn, will transmit at an even higher frequency to a central hub installed in local neighborhoods. In what are called “mesh networks,” signals can also be bounced from house-meter to house-meter before reaching the final hub. So exposures will not just be from your own meter, but accumulating from possibly 100-to-500 of your neighbors’ as well… That’s a hefty barrage of radiation.” – from “The Problems With Smart Grids” by B. Blake Levitt and Chellis Glendinning, Mar 18 2011
“…..When the chart is corrected to reflect the same units of measurement, it appears that smart meters are at least 100x more powerful than cell phones, which are increasingly being linked with brain tumors.” Dan Hirsch, UC Santa Cruz Nuclear Policy expert, 21 Apr 2011
“It’s one thing to be on a cell phone for one hour per day, but if you are exposed to smart meter or a cell tower, you are exposed 24/7 so the effect is cumulative.” Henry Lai, PhD, Professor, Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Dept. of Bioengineering, University of Washington (Seattle)
“We have evidence…that exposure to radiofrequency radiation…increases the risk of cancer, increases damage to the nervous system, causes electrosensitivity, has adverse reproductive effects and a variety of other effects on different organ systems. There is no justification for the statement that Smart Meters have no adverse health effects. ……An informed person should demand that they be allowed to keep their analog meter” Dr. David Carpenter, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician who headed up the New York State Dept. of Public Health for 18 years before becoming Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Albany, where he currently directs the Institute for Health and the Environment…/public-health-physician-warns-of-smart.html
“The duration of the radiation seems to be more important than its strength, with the effects being cumulative as more and more cells are damaged. …….Diem et al. (2005) also found that the effect on DNA damage was still greater if the microwaves were pulsed or modulated to carry information (modulation involves sudden stops and starts of the signal, which are even more damaging). Smart meters, which operate 24/7 and radiate modulated microwaves intermittently, can therefore be expected to be particularly harmful to DNA.” Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, Lecturer in Biology (retired), Imperial College London “How Smart Meters May Cause Autism And Cancer”, July 2011
“Who can support that the constitution, any constitution of any country should allow installations to take place (as the one with Smart Meters) against the rights for health of the citizens”. Professor Lukas H. Margaritis, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens, Faculty of Biology, Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics, Electromagnetic Biology Laboratory
“Cells in the body react to EMF’s as potentially harmful, just like any other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure; and produces a biochemical stress response. …. The science is very strong and we should sit up and pay attention” Dr. Martin Blank, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, quoted in “Radiofrequency Radiation: The Invisible Hazards of “Smart” Meters “ by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri″
“It should be noted that we are not the only species at jeopardy, practically all animals and plants may be at stake……the inauguration of smart meters with grudging and involuntary exposure of millions to billions of human beings to pulsed microwave radiation should immediately be prohibited…” Olle Johansson, PhD., Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Sweden: “Open Letter on SmartMeters”
“The question for governmental agencies, especially those concerned with public health and safety, is that given the uncertainty, should we err on the side of safety and take the precautionary avoidance measures? Unknown does not mean safe. ….Governmental agencies for protecting public health and safety should be much more vigilant towards involuntary environmental exposures because governmental agencies are the only defense against such involuntary exposure. Given the uncertainty of the SmartMeter safety, one rational first step of public policy could be to require household consent before installation of SmartMeters. Finally, because of the nature of universal exposure, many susceptible and vulnerable populations including pregnant women and young children are unknowingly exposed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Usually, the threshold of harmful level is much lower for susceptible populations.” Dr. De-Kun Li, Research Scientist, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, Oakland California; Lecturer, Stanford University, Department of Health Research and Policy. HYPERLINK,5,1298
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Rosemary Found to Offer Best Protection against Radiation Poisoning