Your best defense against wireless
EMF / ELF radiation of all forms!
This video has been removed from YouTube multiple times.
Please watch it and share it with your friends and family. The Truth shall set you free!
Cell Phones | Smart Meters | Bluetooth | All Wireless Devices | Wi-Fi Routers | Cell Towers
Scalar Wave, EMF, Wireless Protection is Finally Here!
Not sure if you are being affected? Check out the list of physical symptoms that typically appear due to prolonged exposure to Smart Meters, Wireless Signals and Cellular Frequencies:
Wave~Guard Is Your Personal Firewall
It's a Godsend for Everyone Especially Electrically Sensitive People!
Wave~Guard devices absorb wireless micro- waves creating a personal,
home and mobile firewall against dangerous EMF's & radiation!
Created by top scientists and engineers in Austria, these devices are specifically designed to combat wireless EMF & scalar wave frequencies.
Wave-Guard devices are now available by: Special order in the USA. |
Wave-Guard devices are widely recognized
And most importantly - They WORK!

In 2011 I became so sensitized to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) I couldn't use a cell phone, a computer....I couldn't even use an ordinary wired telephone without feeling pain. I tried everything. It seemed nothing worked. Over time I researched every type of device or system that claimed to eliminate or reduce the symptoms I was experiencing. After nearly $3,000 of investments in worthless gadgets, pucks, pendants I found Wave-Guard. I now live normally again. But this product was just the first step, if you want to live normally again there are some things you MUST understand....
Firstly and most importantly the magic bullet....THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET. There is no magic pill, no chip, diode, neutralizer or harmonizer you can buy which will make EMFs safe. NONE. It's true there's a growing market in chips, diodes and neutralizers. Things you stick on your phone, put next to your WiFi router, stand in the corner of your living room which are supposed to make EMFs safe. There's a growing market because more and more people are realizing that their health is being compromised by EMFs, it's not because these devices necessarily work.
Chips, diodes, pendants and neutralizers should NOT form the basis of your approach to dealing with EMFs. Doing so can be dangerous. These devices lull you into a false sense of security. You buy the device. Then you increase your EMF exposure thinking (mistakenly) that you are safe. Then you realize that the device is not offering you the protection you thought it was and you suffer the consequences, in terms of ill health.
If you're thinking of buying a device like this, before you do, ask to see the studies that proves the gizmo works. Ask for peer reviewed studies.....
Here are the peer reviewed studies proving that Wave-Guard devices are the only tested and proven devices to provide physical changes and improvements while in use. click here
In addition to getting a Wave-Guard device - Here are some tried and tested ways to effectively deal with EMFs:- for cell phone and personal EMF protection click here - for an inexpensive meter to measure RF radiation (from WifI, cell towers etc.) click here!
Firstly and most importantly the magic bullet....THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET. There is no magic pill, no chip, diode, neutralizer or harmonizer you can buy which will make EMFs safe. NONE. It's true there's a growing market in chips, diodes and neutralizers. Things you stick on your phone, put next to your WiFi router, stand in the corner of your living room which are supposed to make EMFs safe. There's a growing market because more and more people are realizing that their health is being compromised by EMFs, it's not because these devices necessarily work.
Chips, diodes, pendants and neutralizers should NOT form the basis of your approach to dealing with EMFs. Doing so can be dangerous. These devices lull you into a false sense of security. You buy the device. Then you increase your EMF exposure thinking (mistakenly) that you are safe. Then you realize that the device is not offering you the protection you thought it was and you suffer the consequences, in terms of ill health.
If you're thinking of buying a device like this, before you do, ask to see the studies that proves the gizmo works. Ask for peer reviewed studies.....
Here are the peer reviewed studies proving that Wave-Guard devices are the only tested and proven devices to provide physical changes and improvements while in use. click here
In addition to getting a Wave-Guard device - Here are some tried and tested ways to effectively deal with EMFs:- for cell phone and personal EMF protection click here - for an inexpensive meter to measure RF radiation (from WifI, cell towers etc.) click here!
Any Order over $400 receives a FREE set of Wave~Guard Phone Chips ... Learn More >